What are the causes of the problem of Keratoconus?

The symptoms and the treatment for the Keratoconus


In this digital world people are suffering from different eye problems. The reason behind it is an unhealthy diet and spending more time on mobile phones. From all the problems, Keratoconus is also a common problem. It is a condition in which the cornea of the eye changes its shape. It becomes thinner and bulges […]

Customization for Your Unique Eyes with Contoura Vision

Conventional surgery in Punjab


Technological evolutions in the area of vision modification are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible to achieve perfect vision. Contoura vision is one of the advanced techniques that is becoming more and more well-known. The development of new bladeless technology is changing our perception of laser eye surgery. Precision Redefined  You can make […]

कम उम्र में होने वाली आंखों की परेशानियां को कैसे आयुर्वेदिक तरीके से करें दूर ?

Home remedies for eye health.


हर एक जीवित प्राणी के लिए आँखे अनेक शारीरिक गतिविधियां को पूरा करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण होती है। अधिकांश लोगों को कभी न कभी आंखों की समस्या होती है। कुछ छोटे होते हैं और अपने आप ठीक हो जाते हैं, या घर पर इलाज करना आसान होता है। ऐसे कई कारक हैं जो कम उम्र […]

Demystifying Conventional LASIK


Welcome to the enchanting world of LASIK, where the key to clear vision awaits! In this journey, we’ll unravel the magic behind conventional LASIK, an enchantment for your eyes. Imagine bidding farewell to glasses and embracing a crystal-clear view of the world. Let’s dive into the wonders of LASIK and discover how it brings a […]

आई फ्लू आमतौर पर बरसात के मौसम में क्यों होता है?

आई फ्लू से बचने के कुछ उपाय।


जून से सितम्बर तक के महीने गर्मी के साथ बरसात वाले होते है, इसलिए मानसून को अक्सर वर्ष के फ्लू के मौसम के रूप में जाना जाता है क्योंकि हर साल यह आता है, तापमान और आर्द्रता में परिवर्तन संक्रमण पैदा करने वाले रोगाणुओं के विकास को बढ़ावा देता है। जो कई लोगों को प्रभावित […]

How do cataracts and glaucoma affect the eyes? What are the various symptoms?

Cataracts V/s Glaucoma


In this post, we are going to discuss Glaucoma and cataracts. Both of these eye problems are accountable for causing vision loss. If you neglect these eye problems at the first stage, then these would gradually deteriorate the health of the eyes. According to the ophthalmologist of the famous eye hospital in Punjab,  no matter […]

Sight Savvy: Strategies for Thriving with Glaucoma

What are the causes and symptoms of Retina damage?


Introduction Glaucoma is the worst problem that can take away our eyesight permanently. It can only ruin our ability to see clearly and will end up ruining our vision. It can also be a result of our lifestyle. If you are one of those people living with this condition and are at risk of losing […]

सरल सी सावधानियां जिससे आँखों में रहे पूरी चमक।  

Conventional surgery in Punjab


भगवान की दिए यह आँखे जिसका कोई मूल नहीं है एक इंसान के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण अंग है। ऐसा अंग जिसके बिना ना गुजारा और न ही ज़िंदगी जीना का मज़ा।  अगर पहले से ही नेत्र को सुरक्षित व स्वस्थ रखा जाए तो क्या कोई नुकसान होगा? नहीं, अपनी नेत्र सही हो तो किसी […]

Recognising and Responding to Severe Eye Warning Signs.


People are suffering from different eye related issues because of different reasons. Nowadays, people spend most of their time in front of a screen. There are several types of eye related issues that are very common that give you warning signs. The best eye hospitals in Punjab are known for providing the different treatments.  Some […]

What are the common eye-related issues?

Some helpful Tips for eye care


Individuals of all ages, including children, experience varying eye-related problems. Several sources can cause issues connected to the eyes. Poor lifestyle choices and unhealthy eating habits may be the leading causes of eye disorders.  What are the common eye-related issues?  Different types of eye-related problems, such as farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism, are common. Lasik surgery […]