If you have never experienced the trouble of dry eyes before, it can be an intimidating prospect. One needs to make certain that you are able to thoroughly enhance the possibility of making certain that you address the issue. If you have developed a mild case of dry eye problems, you can thoroughly ensure that you are able to enhance the possibility of treating the issue with some mild eye drops. Adopting this method of treating dry eyes can help you address the issue.
If your case of dry eyes can thoroughly prove to be severe or excessive, chances are that you might not be able to find a solution for it at your home. The typical way of treating dry eyes is by using eye drops, which might help here. But they can still struggle to find relief completely. With the help of Mitra Eye Hospital, you can thoroughly ensure that you are able to access in-office treatment for the same.
Following are some of the in-office treatments you can avail at the Mitra Eye Hospital with the help of experts:
Take on an Eyelid Scrub
With the eyelid scrub, your doctors will hold a high-grade medical sponge near your eyelids. This scrub will essentially remove all the biofilms, toxins as well as bacteria on your eyes in an effective manner. This treatment procedure can effectively be used in tandem with other eyelid procedures that can be effectively used to enhance the possibility of getting rid of dry eyes as soon as possible.
Undergo a Pulsed Heat and Massage
In order to undergo this treatment, your eye expert will place applicators both at the front and back of your eyelids for effective results. These applicators thoroughly impart heat and massage various glands in your eyes to release any clogged eyes effectively. Once the oils are released, you can thoroughly ensure that your dry eyes will be better. Your experts will make certain to use numbing eye drops to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the treatment. Pulsed Heat and Massage make certain that there are next to no side effects.
Use Steam Goggles
As the name clearly suggests, these goggles ensure that you are able to thoroughly enhance the possibility of producing moisture in your eyes, Essentially, these goggles are placed on one’s eyes and once they are switched on, you can make certain that your eyes are thoroughly being moisturised with the help of steam produced.
LED Heat and Massage can be Used
This treatment is only used as a person needs it, rather than having a regular schedule for the same. Effectively using gentle pressure to make certain that you are able to find relief, you can thoroughly offer some moisture to your eyes with the help of LED Heat and Massage. Make certain that you have a way to enhance your dry eyes with this procedure.
Heat Pads Have Also Been Proven to be Effective
As suggested in the above-mentioned treatments, heat pads have been effectively proven to be helpful in treating dry eyes. Heat pads are effectively placed on the top of your eyes, and your doctor will thoroughly massage your eyes manually to get the best results. If you are opting for this procedure, you need to be aware that it will take more time to offer results.
In order to thoroughly make certain that you are able to seek treatment for dry eyes, you can either use eye drops. Eye drops can help to address the issue of dry eyes. However, if the issue is severe, chances are that treating it at home might be a difficult undertaking. In such a case, you can thoroughly seek help and treatment from the Mitra Eye Hospital to ensure that you have the best possible treatment. Our team of experts will not only make certain that you are able to get your dry eyes treated but also make certain that you have the capacity to prevent it from happening again in the future.