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Learn About The Merits Of LASIK By Dr. Akshay Mitra

Learn About The Merits Of LASIK By Dr. Akshay Mitra


Nowadays, countless people, from children to older people, are struggling with vision problems. Vision problems happen due to various things, such as prolonged screen use, pollution, certain health conditions, etc. Regular eye checkups will help to detect vision problems and provide reliable solutions. 

In this video, Dr Akshay Mitra explains LASIK surgery. He is a cornea and refractive surgeon at Mitra Eye Hospital and LASIK Laser Centre. LASIK surgery is a procedure used to improve eyesight so that you do not need to wear glasses or contact lenses to see the world. He explained the eligibility of LASIK surgery for patients. This surgery is done after 21 years, so after surgery, patients again face weak eyesight. He said that LASIK surgery is safe for everyone. However, it is paramount to have a physical examination before the surgery because some patients are not suitable for LASIK surgery.

In this video, he also explained advanced laser procedures and which is best for poor eyesight. Nowadays, contoura vision technology is available at the Mitra Eye Hospital. Contoura is an advanced vision treatment, and you learn how it impacts your vision from this video. It is a less invasive and safe procedure to restore your correct vision. He also explained the prevention method after surgery. 

If you are struggling with poor eyesight and want laser treatment, consult an eye specialist at Mitra Eye Hospital And LASIK Laser Centre. 

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