Cashless Treatment

Can Eye Dryness Can Be Cured Permanently: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Permanent Solutions for Eye Dryness Symptoms, Causes & Treatments


There is no permanent cure that can be used to relieve dry eye diseases. It may occur when the eyes are not moist and do not get proper moisture. It may cause difficulty in seeing correctly and may lead to discomfort that can give rise to vision problems. However, there are treatments available to relieve […]

What is expected during the eye checkup?

Some test for eye examination


In this modern era, people suffer from different issues, and related issues are also very common. There are other factors that are responsible for eye-related problems, and these issues can cause difficulties when driving at night times. Contact the Best Eye Hospital in Punjab for treatment of eye issues.  What is the definition of an […]

What are the vision problems?

What are the vision problems?


People of different ages, including kids, are suffering from different eye-related issues. There are different factors that are responsible for eye related issues. Unhealthy diet plans and poor living style can be primary reasons for eye diseases.  What are the Vision problems?  The eyes are mostly highly developed sensory organs. A more significant part of […]

कौन-सी आदतें उम्र से पहले आपकी नज़र को बना रहीं है कमजोर, जानिए इसको ठीक करने के लिए क्या करें और क्या न करें !

eye hospital


आज की भाग-दौड़ भरी ज़िन्दगी में तेज़-तर्रार दुनिया में, हममें से कई लोग अनजाने में ऐसी आदतों में शामिल हो जाते है, जो समय के साथ, अक्सर बुढ़ापे तक पहुंचने से पहले हमारी आंखों की रोशनी को कमजोर कर सकती है। अच्छी खबर यह है कि अपनी दैनिक दिनचर्या में कुछ साधारण बदलावों के साथ, […]