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Permanent Solutions for Eye Dryness Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Can Eye Dryness Can Be Cured Permanently: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment


There is no permanent cure that can be used to relieve dry eye diseases. It may occur when the eyes are not moist and do not get proper moisture. It may cause difficulty in seeing correctly and may lead to discomfort that can give rise to vision problems. However, there are treatments available to relieve the problem. 

Dry eyes are the most common problem mainly seen in older adults. Millions of people are affected by this disease. It is shown in studies out of 5; females are more affected with a rate of 3.2 and males 1.68 are males. The National Eye Institute said that this disease can occur at any stage. There are many factors that contribute to dry eye condition.

  • Tear production slows down
  • Eyelid issues
  • Tears drying too quickly
  • Some environmental issues, etc

Treatment usually includes eye drops or other medications to improve the condition and moisturise the eyes. In this blog, we will discuss the causes and symptoms of dry eyes and understand how to manage the condition with medications or with natural alternatives.

What is Dry Eye Disease?

Dry eye disease is a condition in which, due to the slow down of tear production in the eyes, eyes feel discomfort due to dryness, and in some cases, it leads to vision problems.

Many factors  contribute to the dry eye condition. The tear film is one of the factors that protect the eye surface and is important for good vision. There  are three layers in tear film:

  • Outer Layer: This layer is oily, and helps to spread tear film on the surface of the eye and reduce the evaporation of tears.
  • Middle Layer: This layer protects you from objects such as grit or any bacteria. This watery layer keeps them hydrated and the significant constituent of tears.
  • Inner Layer: This layer helps to spread the watery layer and also keeps the tear film stuck to the surface of the cornea.

Symptoms of Dry Eye

  • Feeling like burning sensation in the eyes
  • A feeling of pressure in the eyes or feel like something is stuck in the eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • When opening the eyes, feeling discomfort and difficulty

Common Cause of Dry Eye

The main reason for Dry eye is when the oily layer of the eye is wet, and the tears are not working correctly. There are two main reasons if the tear evaporates too quickly or does not produce an adequate amount of tears.

The chance of dry eye disease is higher in females because of the hormonal changes that affect tear production. The body may produce fewer tears with age, which is why dry eye disease can occur in older adults. There are some risk factors for dry eyes. It may include: 

  • Suffering from skin condition near the eyelids
  • Deficiency of Omega-3, vitamin A 
  • Due to Laser Eye Surgery
  • Spending a long time looking at screens without blinking
  • Wearing contact lenses 
  • Some allergic reaction that affects the eyes
  • Diabetes or other long-term diseases can affect the eyes.
  • The oily layer of tear film cannot operate properly.
  • Smoke, wind, dry air or other environmental factors 
  • Medication for some other issues like depression or any serious health issue can affect the eye and cause vision problems.

Treatment for Dry Eye

  1. Artificial Tear Solutions: These are solutions that anyone can buy without any doctor’s prescriptions. It is helpful to treat dry eyes. The doctors usually also first recommend this for dry eye treatment.
  1. Warm Compresses: A person who is suffering from dried eyes can give a warm compress near the eyelids. This will cause the glands to generate oil and keep the eyes lubricated.
  1. Maintain Hygiene: Instead of using harsh soaps that make the eyes more dry. Wash the eyes with baby soap and water that can help to relieve the dry eye symptoms. Use cotton balls or soft cloth to wipe the inner and outer parts of the eyes.
  1. Use of moisturising gel and ointments: Use the oily-based gel and apply under the eyelid. You can also prescribe oily based ointments from the doctor.
  1. Supplements: Get a sufficient amount of nutrients from the food that will lead to reducing dryness, like Omega-3, Vitamin A, B, E, and D. That helps to remove the problem naturally.
  1. Castor Oil: Castor oil acts as a shield that helps against dry eyes by reducing inflammation, swelling, itchiness and redness. Instead of directly putting it on, please apply with the use of a cotton ball and hold it over the eye for a few minutes each day. There are also available eye drops made from castor oil in the market or at pharmacies.
  1. Surgery: In some cases, the doctor may suggest going for surgery to tighten up the eyelid so that tears can be adequately retained.
  1. Changes in Medication: If a person can take medication for any other health condition, it may cause dryness in the eyes. So they can address their concern to the doctor and make changes in the medication accordingly.

Eye dryness can be caused to many individuals at any age. But the chances are higher in older adults. Many factors can contribute to dry eye condition, and it affects millions of people, according to studies. However, it can be treated and managed with the help of the proper treatment. If you are suffering from the problem of dry eyes, then Mitra Eye Hospital and Lasik Laser Centre have knowledgeable experts who give great guidance and tips to relieve Dry eye disease. Get an appointment with us as we prioritise vision and eye health!

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